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WWW National Conference - Call for Papers


	o The deadline for large abstracts submission is 23 April 1995

	o As an incentive, we can announce that the "International World Wide 
	  Web Conference Committee" (IW3C2) will recommend *THE BEST WWW National
	  Conference PAPER* to be presented in "The Fourth International WWW 
	  Conference" (December 11-14, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
	  *THE BEST WWW National Conference PAPER* will be elected by the Program 


                         WWW National Conference

                     Internet Multimedia Information

                             July 6-8, 1995
                    Minho University, Braga, Portugal

Conference Server:

Organized by:
                Computer Science Department of Minho University

Endorsed by:
               International World Wide Web Conference Committee 


                                Call for Papers


The WWW National Conference aims to analyze the state of the art of WWW
technology, and the mid-term strategic lines of the consumer groups and
multimedia information suppliers in the Internet.

Technological aspects will be focused, as well as the emergent applications
and strategies which condition the utilization of these applications.


Conference Topics

  1.  Strategy

       1.  WWW development perspectives
       2.  Commercial integration of WWW services: billing and certification
       3.  Legal aspects of Internet Services
       4.  Social, Cultural and Economical aspects of the Net

  2.  Technology

       1.  Introduction to WWW
       2.  Interfaces
       3.  WWW Services Administration
       4.  WWW and Education
       5.  New standards in the Internet

  3.  Applications

       1.  Emerging functionality on the WWW
       2.  Application of multimedia information systems 
       3.  Virtual Reality
       4.  Virtual Communities
       5.  Campus-Wide Information System
       6.  Information discovering and retrieving


Presentation Topics

Topics for presentation include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1.  Strategy

       1.  WWW development perspectives
                National and regional initiatives
                Connectivity and national infrastructures
                Community access to the Net
                Empowering new users
                Band width and Costs
       2.  Legal aspects of Internet Services
                Which Legislation?
                Who can provide services?
                Warranties and Liberties
                Intellectual property rights
       3.  Commercial integration of WWW services: billing and certification
                Tools for WWW Business support
                Accountancy, Fees and Payment methods
                Security and Privacy
                Commercial use of Internet
                Emerging business opportunities
       4.  Social, Cultural and Economical aspects of the Net
                Impact and changes
                Etiquette rules

  2.  Technology

       1.  Introduction to WWW
                Communication Protocols
                HTML V1-3/SGML
                Developments towards a Global Information Infrastructure
       2.  Interfaces
                Existent browsers, servers, ...
                What can we expect in the future?
       3.  WWW Services Administration
                Centralization Vs Distribution
                Multiple Servers management
                Inter-Operationality with other services (Gateways)
                Caching, Mirroring, Proxies
                Agents, Robots, Spiders and Crawlers
       4.  WWW and Education
                Case Studies / Applicability
                Computer based training and teaching
                Internet, Multimedia and WWW in Education
       5.  New standards in the Internet
                Authoring tools integration

  3.  Applications

       1.  Emerging functionality on the WWW
                Radio, Video
       2.  Multimedia information systems applications
       3.  Virtual Reality
       4.  Virtual Communities
       5.  Campus-Wide Information System
                Resources, Services and Tools
                Information discovering and retrieving
                Information Access


Information for Paper Submission

We invite authors to present communications (based on submited papers)
on the topics above, for a foresight duration of 20 minutes, followed by 

Papers will be selected based on two to four pages abstracts. The abstracts,
in Portuguese or English, should include name, address, affiliation, 
phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. They should also include a 
keyword list, tied to the topics listed above. Upon acceptance, full papers 
will be required.

All submissions will be refereed by at least two members of the Programme

Extended abstracts should be submitted by 23 April 1995.

Note: Only extended abstracts in plain ASCII text, HTML or PostScript are 
      accepted by e-mail.


Important dates

| Deadline for       |                |
| large abstracts    |    23 April    |
| submission         |                |
| Notification       |     08 May     |
| of acceptance      |                |
| Camera-ready       |     05 June    |
| papers due         |                |
| Conference         |   06, 07 and   |
|                    |     08 July    |



Conference proceedings (in CD-ROM) containing full papers will be distributed
to the participants at the conference. They will also be available in WWW at
the conference page.


Information, Registration

The WWW National Conference - Internet Multimedia Information, will be held 
at the Minho University. General information concerning the conference, 
registration, and a variety of hotel accommodations booked at special rates 
will be available in a separate announcement.



o Program Committee

  Prof. Dias Figueiredo, U. Coimbra
  Prof. Heitor Pina, FCCN (National Cientific Computation Foundation)
  Prof. Legatheaux Martins, U. Nova Lisboa / PUUG (Portuguese Unix Users Group)
  Prof. Nuno Guimaraes, INESC / U. Tecnica Lisboa
  Prof. Pedro Veiga, Faculdade Ciencias Lisboa / INESC
  Prof. Jose Ruela, U. Porto
  Prof. Jose Esgalhado Valenca, Head of Informatics Department, U. Minho
  Prof. Altamiro Machado, Informatics Department, U. Minho
  Prof. Vasco Freitas, Informatics Department, U. Minho
  Prof. Alberto Proenca, Head of Informatics Center, U. Minho

o Organisation Committee

  Jose Esgalhado Valenca   General Chair - Informatics Department, U. Minho
  Carlos Baquero           Informatics Department, U. Minho
  Francisco Pinto          Informatics Center, U. Minho
  Jorge Portugal Andrade   Informatics Department, U. Minho
  Jose Pina Miranda        Informatics Department, U. Minho

o This conference is endorsed by: 

     International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2)

  composed of the following members: 

      Jean-Francois Abramatic (INRIA), Tim Berners-Lee (MIT), 
      Robert Cailliau (CERN), Dale Dougherty (O'Reilly & Associates), 
      Ira Goldstein (OSF), Joseph Hardin (NCSA), Tim Krauskopf (Spyglass), 
      Detlef Kroemker (Fraunhofer ICG), Barbara Kucera (NCSA), 
      Corinne Moore (UNIFORUM), Rick Rodgers (U.S. National Library of 
      Medicine), Yuri Rubinsky (SoftQuad), Tony Rutkowski (Internet Society), 
      Jackie Stewart (OSF), Philip Tsang (Internet Special Projects 
      Group/CSU-Wagga Wagga), Albert Vezza (MIT), Stuart Weibel (OCLC Office 
      of Research) .


Contact and Abstracts submission

Departamento de Informatica
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar
4710 Braga

URL:    http://www.di.uminho.pt/cnw3.htm
Phone:  +351 (53) 604470
Fax:    +351 (53) 612954
e-mail: cnw3@di.uminho.pt